SSAS Tutorial: Creating a Data Cube
To build a new data cube using BIDS, you need to perform these steps:
- Create a new Analysis Services project
- Define a data source
- Define a data source view
- Invoke the Cube Wizard
We'll look at each of these steps in turn.
You'll need to have the AdventureWorksDW sample database installed to complete the examples in this chapter. This database is one of the samples that's available with SQL Server. |
Creating a New Analysis Services Project
To create a new Analysis Services project, you use the New Project dialog box in BIDS. This is very similar to creating any other type of new project in Visual Studio.
Try It!
To create a new Analysis Services project, follow these steps:
- Select Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio from the Programs menu to launch Business Intelligence Development Studio.
- Select File > New > Project.
- In the New Project dialog box, select the Business Intelligence Projects project type.
- Select the Analysis Services Project template.
- Name the new project AdventureWorksCube1 and select a convenient location to save it.
- Click OK to create the new project.
Figure 15-1 shows the Solution Explorer window of the new project, ready to be populated with objects.
Figure 15-1: New Analysis Services project
Defining a Data Source
To define a data source, you'll use the Data Source Wizard. You can launch this wizard by right-clicking on the Data Sources folder in your new Analysis Services project. The wizard will walk you through the process of defining a data source for your cube, including choosing a connection and specifying security credentials to be used to connect to the data source.
Try It!
To define a data source for the new cube, follow these steps:
- Right-click on the Data Sources folder in Solution Explorer and select New Data Source.
- Read the first page of the Data Source Wizard and click Next.
- You can base a data source on a new or an existing connection. Because you don't have any existing connections, click New.
- In the Connection Manager dialog box, select the server containing your analysis services sample database from the Server Name combo box.
- Fill in your authentication information.
- Select the Native OLE DB\SQL Native Client provider (this is the default provider).
- Select the AdventureWorksDW database. Figure 15-2 shows the filled-in Connection Manager dialog box.
- Click OK to dismiss the Connection Manager dialog box.
- Click Next.
- Select Default impersonation information to use the credentials you just supplied for the connection and click Next.
- Accept the default data source name and click Finish.
Defining a Data Source View
A data source view is a persistent set of tables from a data source that supply the data for a particular cube. BIDS also includes a wizard for creating data source views, which you can invoke by right-clicking on the Data Source Views folder in Solution Explorer.
Try It!
To create a new data source view, follow these steps:
- Right-click on the Data Source Views folder in Solution Explorer and select New Data Source View.
- Read the first page of the Data Source View Wizard and click Next.
- Select the Adventure Works DW data source and click Next. Note that you could also launch the Data Source Wizard from here by clicking New Data Source.
- Select the dbo.FactFinance table in the Available Objects list and click the > button to move it to the Included Object list. This will be the fact table in the new cube.
- Click the Add Related Tables button to automatically add all of the tables that are directly related to the dbo.FactFinance table. These will be the dimension tables for the new cube. Figure 15-3 shows the wizard with all of the tables selected.
- Click Next.
- Name the new view Finance and click Finish. BIDS will automatically display the schema of the new data source view, as shown in Figure 15-4.
Figure 15-4: The Finance data source view
Invoking the Cube Wizard
As you can probably guess at this point, you invoke the Cube Wizard by right-clicking on the Cubes folder in Solution Explorer. The Cube Wizard interactively explores the structure of your data source view to identify the dimensions, levels, and measures in your cube.
Try It!
To create the new cube, follow these steps:
- Right-click on the Cubes folder in Solution Explorer and select New Cube.
- Read the first page of the Cube Wizard and click Next.
- Select the option to build the cube using a data source.
- Check the Auto Build checkbox.
- Select the option to create attributes and hierarchies.
- Click Next.
- Select the Finance data source view and click Next.
- Wait for the Cube Wizard to analyze the data and then click Next.
- The Wizard will get most of the analysis right, but you can fine-tune it a bit. Select DimTime in the Time Dimension combo box. Uncheck the Fact checkbox on the line for the dbo.DimTime table. This will allow you to analyze this dimension using standard time periods.
- Click Next.
- On the Select Time Periods page, use the combo boxes to match time property names to time columns according to Table 15-1.
- Click Next.
- Accept the default measures and click Next.
- Wait for the Cube Wizard to detect hierarchies and then click Next.
- Accept the default dimension structure and click Next.
- Name the new cube FinanceCube and click Finish.
Time Property Name | Time Column |
Year | CalendarYear |
Quarter | CalendarQuarter |
Month | MonthNumberOfYear |
Day of Week | DayNumberOfWeek |
Day of Month | DayNumberOfMonth |
Day of Year | DayNumberOfYear |
Week of Year | WeekNumberOfYear |
Fiscal Quarter | FiscalQuarter |
Fiscal Year | FiscalYear |
Table 15-1: Time columns for Finance cube
Deploying and Processing a Cube
At this point, you've defined the structure of the new cube - but there's still more work to be done. You still need to deploy this structure to an Analysis Services server and then process the cube to create the aggregates that make querying fast and easy.
To deploy the cube you just created, select Build > Deploy AdventureWorksCube1. This will deploy the cube to your local Analysis Server, and also process the cube, building the aggregates for you. BIDS will open the Deployment Progress window, as shown in Figure 15-5, to keep you informed during deployment and processing.
Figure 15-5: Deploying a cube
One of the tradeoffs of cubes is that SQL Server does not attempt to keep your OLAP cube data synchronized with the OLTP data that serves as its source. As you add, remove, and update rows in the underlying OLTP database, the cube will get out of date. To update the cube, you can select Cube > Process in BIDS. You can also automate cube updates using SQL Server Integration Services, which you'll learn about in Chapter 16. |
SSAS Tutorial: Exploring a Data Cube
At last you're ready to see what all the work was for. BIDS includes a built-in Cube Browser that lets you interactively explore the data in any cube that has been deployed and processed. To open the Cube Browser, right-click on the cube in Solution Explorer and select Browse. Figure 15-6 shows the default state of the Cube Browser after it's just been opened.
Figure 15-6: The cube browser in BIDS
The Cube Browser is a drag-and-drop environment. If you've worked with pivot tables in Microsoft Excel, you should have no trouble using the Cube browser. The pane to the left includes all of the measures and dimensions in your cube, and the pane to the right gives you drop targets for these measures and dimensions. Among other operations, you can:
- Drop a measure in the Totals/Detail area to see the aggregated data for that measure.
- Drop a dimension or level in the Row Fields area to summarize by that level or dimension on rows.
- Drop a dimension or level in the Column Fields area to summarize by that level or dimension on columns
- Drop a dimension or level in the Filter Fields area to enable filtering by members of that dimension or level.
- Use the controls at the top of the report area to select additional filtering expressions.
In fact, if you've worked with pivot tables in Excel, you'll find that the Cube Browser works exactly the same, because it uses the Microsoft Office PivotTable 11.0 control as its basis. |
Try It!
To see the data in the cube you just created, follow these steps:
- Right-click on the cube in Solution Explorer and select Browse.
- Expand the Measures node in the metadata panel (the area at the left of the user interface).
- Expand the Fact Finance node.
- Drag the Amount measure and drop it on the Totals/Detail area.
- Expand the Dim Account node in the metadata panel.
- Drag the Account Description property and drop it on the Row Fields area.
- Expand the Dim Time node in the metadata panel.
- Drag the Calendar Year-Calendar Quarter-Month Number of Year hierarchy and drop it on the Column Fields area.
- Click the + sign next to year 2001 and then the + sign next to quarter 3.
- Expand the Dim Scenario node in the metadata panel.
- Drag the Scenario Name property and drop it on the Filter Fields area.
- Click the dropdown arrow next to scenario name. Uncheck all of the checkboxes except for the one next to the Budget name.
Figure 15-7 shows the result. The Cube Browser displays month-by-month budgets by account for the third quarter of 2001. Although you could have written queries to extract this information from the original source data, it's much easier to let Analysis Services do the heavy lifting for you.
Figure 15-7: Exploring cube data in the cube browser
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